Technology is a Real Estate Agents Best Friend

Today is my first blog post direct from my mobile phone. Normally I would sit at my computer for half an hour or so and write about my topic.

Today I am writing this from my iPhone. I’m so excited! The WordPress app allows you to post direct to your blog. You can also add photos or videos.

What this means, is that you can write about properties you have for sale, write blogs about the area you work in or whatever it is your client base would like to know about, while you are in the situation and have the inspiration.

Imagine sitting in an empty open house. You look around the property and think… I can’t believe nobody has bought this home. While you are in the property walk around… Feel the property. Write your feelings about it.

You will be a lot more connected to the property and your feelings.

I’m loving it. 🙂

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